World Partition - Landscape Streaming Proxy question

I created a basic 4033 x 4033 landscape with mostly default settings (with a working heightmap) within the Game Animation Sample provided with UE5 (V5.5).

The issue I have, is when I set the gamemode to GM_Sandbox and run around on the map, only the 4 inner Landscape Streaming Proxies are loaded (Out of 257). So if I select and “Play from here”, any other Landscape Streaming Proxy other than the 4 inner LSP’s, I just fall through the map. After doing some research I ensured my Player Controller has “Enable Streaming Source” on (which it is by default).

What is the relationship of the Player Controller with streaming source enables to the Landscape Streaming Proxies exactly?
What is the best way to setup a world partitioning landscape for ‘details’ to be loaded in, based on the characters movement, around the world (without disabling “Is Spatially Loaded”) ?

Hope this makes sense


It was a pretty simple fix. The player controller was not updating any location regardless of the character location. I simply removed the Player controller as a Streaming Source and added a “World Partition Streaming Source” component to the character itself, thus making the character the main streaming source.

Reference: World Partition in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community