World Partition: Landscape HLODs

Hi all.

I was hoping someone would be able to explain to me, why I am not getting the HLODs results I want.

I’ve been following the docs: World Partition - Hierarchical Level of Detail in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation. along with multiple videos on the matter and I just can’t seem to replicate it.

The way I build the landscape HLODs is I changed the LOD 0 Screen Size in the Landscape Details panel, to a much higher number to reduce detail. I then build the HLODs and changed the LOD 0 Screen Size back to default. This SHOULD result in far landscape streaming proxies having a low level of detail while keeping everything up close high detail.
However nothing actually happens. the HLODs are created and the landscape is always rendered, but the lod hasn’t changed. Looking at the HLOD Coloration the landscape is grey, which indicates to me that something is wrong.

So what am I doing wrong here?

So apparently HLODs are only active doing runtime (in game) and not in the editor. Everything works when the game is running.

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