I converted my very well functioning map to world partition so that hopefully there would be better performance at runtime. Suddenly when i hit play it is acting like its running at 1 frame per second. The packaged product works fine, but this is making design a nightmare. My hardware is fine. Trust me.
In my task manager, gpu usage when running is below 10%, memory and cpu are like they arent even being used at all. I have one event tick in the whole game. Removing yields no results. I started deleting things off my map to see how that would work and oddly enough, it sped things up a little. But its the exact same assets from my same map without world partition enabled. Also of note, i have pretty much everything you can think of on its lowest settings, lunen turned off, shaders pretty much eliminated. All of my LOD bias is set to 2 or lower, all textures are running at 512. I cant stress to you enough how watered down everything is. Im building for mobile… so if that tells you anything.
Things are randomly deleting or just not working at all. For instance, i have a box collision BP to teleport actor when walking into caves, doorways, etc. (Other levels). Literally all of these stop working everytime i load the engine. I have to click all of them and move them just slightly to make them work again.
Things that get deleted come right back. And sometimes they are deleted from the map, but are still there at runtime.
WTF??? Is wolrd partition just garbage, or am i missiong something?
They use it for specific things and if you don’t use it as they use it you are SOL…
Stick to older version if possible. 4.18 is when the landacape system LODs still worked with a distance value.
After that some asshat changed it to be a size on screen percentage and broke LODs.
Around .22 is when they messed with it again to add something and fckd the pysical material response.
Around .24 is when the non destructive editing with layers messed up performance.
And in .25 you have a silightly better performance again, but still bad LOD distribution because they never replaced the change from .18
5 and anything after is just pure trash really. They didnt improve anything. They broke Hlods on top of it.
There is one possible improvement and thats the fact data layers let you load stuff. But its really measly compared to every bit of functionality you either loose or compromise on…
I started on 5.0 but youre not the first person to say this to me. In fact most people tell me 4.25 is the most stable version of unreal altogether. Ive thought about installing it but honestly all of my projects are so “5 dependent” im afraid of having to change a bunch of stuff. Idk.
Either way, i just ditched world partition and my map is back to normal. I just dont understand why they would promise something so nice and deliver trash. Id like to at least be able to use world comp. People say that works fine. But maybe another day. For now, level streaming seems to be doing the trick.
Because the promise creates internet hype. The delivery they don’t care about since people already drank the coolade.
As a brilliant example you can try to read the brown nosing comments on just about any youtube video they publish.
Most comments can be fixed by adding “at making stuff that doesnt work” to it…
Re going back to .25…
You have to start from 0 or just about, but most things you can export out of the engine, inclusing landscape paint layers, and then re-import elsewhere.
Still, depending on what the project is, one may wish to look for an engine that isn’t in such a bad condition - and being managed by people who absolutely do not care about the end user…
CryEngine is decent at this, but then again even Unity is better at it, and that’s saying a lot…