World Partition HLODs Failed To Build

So I am trying to build HLODs for my World Partition Map, but it keeps on crashing.

I’ve tried to built them now already several times through windows shell but i always get stuck at this error

Can't save C:/Users/morit/wkspaces/PROJECT QUARANTINE/Content/__ExternalActors__/Maps/Gameplay/LVL_Quarry/2/XE/53Q96MEVKU3NXFXA9BAPT4.uasset: Graph is linked to external private object StaticMesh /Game/Temp/HLODLevelStreaming_HLODLayer_Instanced_00000000e2a049cc_InstanceOf_/Game/__ExternalActors__/Maps/Gameplay/LVL_Quarry/7/EN/TDZMTK3LLCA16KNJIQRL44_Trashed_5236.StaticMesh_Quarry_HLOD_Instanced_0 (StaticMesh)

I already tried to call the resave all actors of world partition through the shell and also always deleted and setup hlods before running the build command… but nothing works. Any help would be very much appreciated!

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Hi, I have the same issue. I tried deleting it manually from the project folder, but it seems to regenerate everytime I build HLODs.
Did you manage to solve it on your side ?

Unfortunately, not yet. Still trying to solve it.

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