I’m trying to convert a pretty large world composition map into WP.
What happens when I do that in Editor is that it suddenly stops and displays an “Untitled” world partition map that isn’t even saved anywhere. The map I was trying to convert stas like it was. I tried converting another one from the same project and it succeded with no problems. I’m wondering if that’s a problem with RAM or disk space maybe?
Then I tried doing it using command prompt but when i type in everything I get the message saying “failed to open descriptor file” and it gives me a weird fail path leading to an non-existent folder inside the UE5.1 folders. And the folder is named using my project name, with the PROJECT_NAME.uproject file that is not even supposed to be there.
What happened before is I changed the project name using this video (38) Renaming Projects | Tips & Tricks | Unreal Engine - YouTube
I tried looking for those “failed to open descriptor file” errors but it only affects people developing for Android…
Any ideas?