I experienced some very odd project specific editor glitches on my original level (animations breaking and oceans being disallowed) so i migrated my level to a new project. while this fixed the bugs, it caused world partition not to work no matter what settings i have it on. is there a way to fix this?
Would appreciate some expert opinions on this. It seems that enabling World Partition for an existing level is dangerous. Unless I find a solution, I’ve ruined 2 levels. My level landscape and it’s actors dissapear, I assume because the cells are not loading. And there is no world partition mini map to activate cells. If I test the level with runtime, everything appears, acts normally, but then dissapaears after I exit that mode. Fortunately I have a duplicate level, but my understanding is that world partition can’t be undone. This makes me very weary about enabling world partition on any existing level which unfortunately appears to makes existing levels locked out of the world partition option. However There could be some operator error involved…
I have to clarify my previous statement- In a phrase operator error…
When you create a World Partition Map out of an existing level (Tools-Convert) uncheck “in place” and UE will create a new and seperate WP Level, your original level will remain inact as is.
When the new WP level is opened, and your landscape is missing, go to World Settings and uncheck “streaming” to see if this makes a difference.
My levels are on the small side, I have 2 cells, but what I don’t see is the cell mini-map where you can select cells to load or unload…
I also experience some bugs after world partition where my lighting blueprint become mess up It also affecting the original level so i have to create new level and redo the landscape and environment. Strangely the blueprint work fine in other level only the original level and converted level are affected.