world parition Map suddenly takes a long time to load upon pressing play

hi, i was wondering if anyone experienced this issue before? in a world partition map design when i load my map and press play in the editor, the entire map loads instead of just a small portion. my scene has 130,000+ spatially loaded actors, you can imagine if the whole world loads my fps will be terrible. infact it was down to 10 fps. I triple checked that streaming was enabled so thats not why this happening.

before this happened, i was getting about 90 fps in scene. im not sure what changed. does anyone have an idea? maybe i pressed a button or ticked a box somewhere im not sure why the entire map loads

well after hours of research, time well spent. :frowning: i figured it out. the issue was apparently it was the listen server making everything load at onceā€¦

just leaving that here in case anyone comes looking.

on a side note maybe someone could answer a few questions i had on multiplayer? am i allowed to distribute a dedicated server to customers or on steam in order to save costs on my game? and is it possible to run a server with very low fps, while clients run the game normally?