World Of Warcraft UE4 Remake [Build]

Hello guys so I’ve been working on a project that i start pretty randomly for the story i was bored simple is that xD

So what the project is for? I though that remaking WoW in UE what a good idea i think the retail game is awesome and have a good graphic design, one of its kind but in this era of PC that can render thing much better, smoother etc etc. I was like if they don’t make it I would like to do this in my free time and to archive something and the OH MIGHTY UE4 come I’m not a Game Developer or a Game Designer but I’m learning my way tutorial by tutorial =) To conclude this post will contain every update that i make/change, improve etc. I will upload each 2 or 3 day a new build.

If any one of you can help me to make this work greatly it would be awesome! =D I don’t know if there any way to build MMO in UE i know that there is MMOStarterKit but I don’t have 90$ =/ but for know i want to build the world i love this part and if someone know how to program a MMO and if he can share it this would be amazing!
Change Log Build
-I try use LAM to test on GMIsland
-Improve FPS on GMIsland
-Partially finished the Harbor
-Started Dwarven District
-Started Cathedral Square
-Remove the shiny of some texture 1 million to go…

Link to Download and try this out <REMOVED BY MOD>
For the End Some Picture

Link to Download and try this out <REMOVED BY MOD>**

PS:The Video in the menu didn’t show fix in the next build i think, the HUD Broke again fix in next build and forgot the rebuild the lightning in stormwind sorry >.<
PSS:If someone know how to change the player character i tried countless of time didn’t work, I got some other problem with the .png example the rope on the boat I don’t know why the material stretch out any clue why?

I forgot some things there is 3 binded keys “1” to use mana that make an explotion “2” Healing that use mana and "L CTRL"to inflict damage

Hey Vector,

As an avid World of Warcraft player myself, this project definitely sound interesting! I’ve always wondered myself how the game would look like given a new rendering engine.

Now, you might be interested to contact this person:

He is working, a little bit like you, to “update” World of Warcraft to new graphics, fitting with the new next-gen era.

All in all, definitely something I’ll keep an eye at!

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Brace for the cease and desist order from Blizzard lawyers.

You’re not only using Blizzard’s intellectual property so there’s a DMCA/Copyright strike right there, but you’re using assets ripped from the game, which I’m sure is against their EULA, and if I recall correctly is against the EULA for UE4 as well.

They’ve been staunchly protecting their IP lately, so if you gain any traction or popularity at all, they will shut you down. Free or not.

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yea i try but he didn’t respond me =(

I’m doing it for the sake of doing it my self if they try to shut me down i can still continue to make it for me even if. and i don’t think its against the EULA of UE4 because every remake like Zelda,Mario,Donley Kong, Pokemon that CryZENx does are against it maybe Epic didn’t see it but i don’t think so if it is they can contact me because i will probably not read an hour of EULA ^^

That is a pretty irresponsible thing to say if you wish to make any in-roads with game development.

i don’t want to make “Game” that people buy i just want to make world with some interaction i can’t create a game I’m not qualified enough ^^ and I’m making thing that i like not what a line if there is in the EULA restrict me to do I’m not planing to sell thing like that i don’t want to steal player from WOW, “IF” i can make it like wow

Hi there,

So, it is against the forum rules as far as posting about ripping assets from other games that you don’t have permission for. If you want to do a project and post here, you can’t be using ripped assets without permission.

As far as this type of project goes, it’s not legal for you to use Blizzard’s IP without permission and they are obligated to shut you down to protect their interests if you get far enough. Like what they did recently with a server that was running an old version of WoW.
If you want to do a project, it would be better for you to spend time on an original project that won’t have that type of plus you could then sell the game if you wanted.

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Removed the links for downloading as it is against forum rules & the Epic EULA to post ripped content from a commercial game for others to download on this site.

all right all what i need =)

Yet CryZENx got a nice care package when he did it (many times over).

There is a big difference between allowing others to download a project created using ripped assets from a commercial game, and building a game that uses custom made assets that look similar to a released game.

If the op wanted to release the game commercially (with non-ripped assets that are very similar) he may run into trouble legally with Blizzard, but that is his choice. If it is non-commercial he still might get a cease & desist letter if Blizzard really wanted to protect their IP, but once again, that is his choice and we would not remove it.

Bottom line is we removed the links because of the ripped assets, not because it is similar. If the assets used were original works, inspired by another game, we would have no.

To be fair CryZENX should not be releasing his projects to the public for download.

I don’t think he is, is he? I can’t see any download link on the forums, I’ll keep looking though.
@Camron - We’ll look into it further, but this thread isn’t the best place to discuss this. Feel free to PM any of us mods if you discover something like this and we’ll have a look.

There are links to downloads on his Youtube videos.

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What’s his youtube channel called? Sorry to necro an old thread, but i would like to find out.