World Map System - Fog of War

The map system offer functionality to pan/zoom a world map, add icon over the map and a fog of war over the map that get revealed only when the player moves in.

:space_invader: Demo Video:
:bow_and_arrow: Documentation: Pixiebell - Map Navigation Documentation
:ribbon: Product Link: Marketplace - World Map System


The main points of this map navigation system are:

  • Custom texture world map: User can add it own texture map to pan/zoom on the world map widget.
  • Fog of war: Reveal explored area as user progress through the map.
  • Manage icons: Add an icon to any actor using a bp component.
  • Save fog & icons: Able to save the progress of fog and modification of each icons.
  • Switch dungeon map: Upon entering a dungeon trigger box, user can switch to that dungeon map.
  • Custom Marker: Change icon and add description.
  • Waypoint: Indicate the user the direction and distance of it waypoint set.
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Multiplayer Demo :comet:

New Version 1.1 Update:

Version 1.1 (current]

  • multiplayer support
  • function to switch world map when changing level map
  • fix assigning unique id when adding new custom marker icon
  • simplify GetCursorPositionOnMap
  • fix UpdateComponentIcon from BP_WidgetComponentIcon for not showing world map icon after hiding it
  • add ClearAllCustomMarkers for world map
  • optimise CaptureEveryFrame for capture camera tool when opening closing map
  • corrected some comments

New Update: fix an issue with the latest unreal hotfix 5.4.4 where an unknown function occur in the capture camera mini map.