First Off Hey Everyone! New here so wanted to say hey.
I am new to Unreal only 1 month wet behind my ears and I am attempting to make a large terrain with World Machine to Unreal. Now this could very well be more towards a World Machine question, but here we go.
I want to make a map large enough for a RPG Style type of game. World Machine (free) only gives me a resolution of 513x513 which I can increase the size but it turns out looking like garbage. Is there any sort of Tutorial, Video, Wiki, or ETC… that explains how to make a large terrain in World Machine that is game ready? When making these maps I find that it looks nice but its all mountains and has no dynamic route to it other than climb up this mountain to another mountain to see… You guessed it mountains!!
I have tried doing my do diligence on Google searching and looking through here and forums, but no one actually shows anything in relevance to this in all honesty. I’v found world browser seems to link your landscapes but is that how you would make lets say Open World games?
Sorry for tl;dr
Basic Question, Best methods to make a large terrain without sculpting using World Machine(free).
Yours Truly,
Thanks in advance