World Machine size and resolution

Hi Community. i made this question in another thread a couple of days ago,

In world machine i can choose the size of terrain ( KM^2 ).
You can also choose the resolusion for this landscape.

When the terrain is imported into Unreal Engine, the size of this landscape is affected by the resolution with which was generate in WM.

So what is the exact Landscape dimension in KM^2 in unreal engine ?
For example if I choose to create a 12km x 12km Terrain in WM with a resolution of 4033x4033, which will be the size in Km x Km in Unreal engine?


The landscape actor in UE4 defaults to a scale of 100x100x100. But at 1x1x1, your landscape X/Y dimensions will be the resolution of the heightmap minus one, so a landscape using a heightmap of 4033 square set to a scale of 1x1 would be 4032 unreal units wide and long, equaling 40.32 meters if you use the default character scale. So you can scale the landscape actor using a 4033 heightmap to 297.619047 to get 12km. You’ll have to adjust the landscape actor’s Z-scale proportionately to match what you setup in world machine to be the terrain altitude in the general settings. Check this wiki for more:

thanks for your answer, very helpful!