World Creation

Landscape & Material: [Contract] World Creation and setup

Create world landscape based of the Oblivion heightmap along with a master material.
(I can provide the height map data as a RAW or BMP)
The world should be 16km(8x8) in size(the real Oblivion map is 41km!)
Can discuss doing both 16 and 41 options for extra.

Create master landscape material that applies the correct textures at each height, it should at a minimum have the below functional layers along with clear comments on setup:

  • Snow
  • Rock
  • Grass
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Water

This should be created in a new project for UE 5.4 and be setup using world partition and appropriated naming conventions: World Partition in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

The heightmaps along with a project are required for this to be completed.

Please reach out via the forum or share your discord to discuss further detail and rates.