World Composition Tile Sizes are Growing in Size (and rectangular)

I’ve tiled the landscape on my project and everything seems to be working, except…
In the last couple of weeks, some of the tiles in area I am working on are showing incorrectly in the World Composition window. They are starting to grow, and reporting incorrect sizes for the tiles. In the editor window, all tiles show as squares and everything seems to be normal. But in the WC window the tiles are turning into rectangles and are starting to overlap. You can see the area I am working on (lower-right"ish")

These are the 8 tiles in question, only 3 remain square:

In the editor all tiles are square:

I’m decently new to UE4 (2 years) and want to know if this is a concern to be dealt with before I continue to use the tiled landscape.

Any advice, especially fixes, would be great…thanks!

We use world composition and also create tiled worlds, make sure your level bounds ( in each tile ) is set to not auto compute, and contains the correct value for your tile size, it should then not change once that is done.

this can happen when things stick out of the tile and auto calc has been specified on the level bounds.