I have an issue which has been answered in the chat room much to my dismay.
I wish to have a Persistent Level with a single map. Prior to loading I wish to replicate this room based on a value. I was told I could not yet use dynamic loading of levels and replicating the same level was not implemented yet.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do.
- My game starts you in a room.
- Based on the difficulty I want to spawn multiple versions of the level in a cube format (difficulty defines dimensions such as Easy Mode = 9x9x9, Hard Mode = 64x64x64).
- Room 1 will have 6 exits at the cardinal points (n,s,e,w,top,bottom).
- I want the engine to add rooms at these points so you can walk seamlessly through them.
- When entering a new room 6 new rooms spawn at each exit.
- If you were to keep using the East exit you should be able to walk forever through the rooms.
- If you were to enter a new room via the East exit and then go back through the same exit, you may not happen to end up in the room you entered from.
So the rooms would essentially move around.
Now I know that it isn’t possible yet so I am looking for workarounds as my game is utterly dependent on this.
I have thought of creating 7 umap files and putting them in the persistent level list then relocating the rooms as needed. All the rooms have a base look (only the contents change based on blueprint classes) so it is only the name that would need to change.
Would it be possible to move the levels around (using c++ or BP) ?
Is there something in the roadmap other than what is on trello currently that will be added later to allow dynamic adding of levels to the persistent level?
Am I just whizzing in the wind here?
Thanks for any advice/info on this. As I say it is critical to my game so clarification is absolutely required.