World Composition breaks multiplayer testing in other levels

How terribly unprofessional! I’m just kidding :stuck_out_tongue: We all make mistakes, don’t worry about it. Here are new logs, same conditions as before: link text

Hi ,

I heard back from one of our devs about this, and this is what he suggested:

It looks like server is sending a sub-object within BP_CowmanMaleCharacter_C_2. This sub-object is marked as stably named, and client can’t find it, so it disconnects from server.

You need to find out which sub-object is being sent, and why it’s marked as stably named (but not found on client). It’s definitely narrowed down to BP_CowmanMaleCharacter_C_2, so you can start by investigating which sub-objects that actor sends over network at run-time.

Unfortunately, there is no easy run-time way to turn verbose warnings on for this type of issue.

In meantime, if you have access to compile code, you can add this line:

bool FNetGUIDCache::ShouldIgnoreWhenMissing( const FNetworkGUID& NetGUID ) const
    return false; <---- here

Superb, thank you - what would constitute a stably named object? I’ll get on looking through my objects in meantime. last thing I added was a spring arm through C++ - I’ll start there.

As for that workaround code, I assume that would be added as an engine edit? I’m not currently using a source build, but I can certainly try it - where would that line be added?

I found culprit! I have no idea why it’s cause, but here it is: In Begin Play, I was adding these static meshes as preview meshes for some equipment.

I’ll investigate further to see if I can find reason why these two objects are having such a devastating effect on client-server interaction :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi ,

Stably named objects mean that client will already have that object, and it will be named same. So referring to it simply means we send name over. Objects are stably named if they come directly from a package, components added via editor through the “add component” option fall under this category.

We’re not sure why what you’re doing would cause this issue without looking into project itself. Would you be able to upload it somewhere and get us a download link? You can PM me a link on forums if you’d prefer it remain private.

Hi ,

issue has resolved itself, and I’m not sure if it was that odd update that popped up for engine, or fact that I removed some components that were added at BeginPlay.

I’m afraid that I’m unable to share project with you - partially due to its size, and partially due to fact that I’m plainly not allowed to :stuck_out_tongue: I really appreciate help you’ve given me so far, though, and I’m glad we managed to resolve issue :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely no problem. I’ll go ahead an mark this post resolved for now. Let us know if problem arises again. Glad you got it working again!