World Composer

I’m working on a game with a large, 16x16km map thats split up into 64x64 tiles (it’s underwater so the player travels slowly) and there a few things that the current world composition tools in UE4 is badly lacking, so I’m working on a toolset called World Composer. It will probably be commercial, and I’m planning on spending as little time on it as possible lest it overtake the game itself! Current planned/partially implemented features are:

  1. Import tiles - specify a directory, it will find all the tiles for you and present you with dropdowns instead of specifying absolute file paths and having to select all tiles, like heightmap_x##_y##.raw, etc. It will specify dimensions as total landscape dimensions, and give you a min and max z height which correspond to actual Unreal units.
  2. Update tiles. Will store a file with the same name as your map with the settings so you can quickly reimport the maps.
  3. Transform world - will place an actor in the world with a box that represents your total world size. You move it, press a button and all your sublevels are offset to match.

Does this sound like something that would be useful?

Hey - This sounds really useful for me. :slight_smile: