World aligned material streching when rotating object with it.

i have problem with world aligned material. When i rotate object with this material it streches like in the gif below:
[Gif illustrating situation][1]

Simplified version of my material looks like this:

Im using LocalPosition because i need this object to rotate and for the material to stay the same, when rotating and it has to be world aligned.
Any idea what to do with this problem?



I think this is what you’re looking for :

Thank you for your answer but unfortunately thats not it. I need the material to be still, just like in normal texturing, when using UVs. T
hats why im using local position and not world position. When using world position the material sticks to the wortld and not the object, so when you move your object the material is “swimming” in it.

Ok, i think i found a solution.
Instead of using “World aligned texture” node. I am now using “Local aligned texture_transformed world space”. And it seems to be working almost perfect. I will mess with it some more and if everything will be fine, will mark this post as answer.

So the new node is transforming from world space to local? I was looking for that. The cause of the rotation stretching is it being in world space, I’m almost certain. It stretches because it’s like it is attempting to remain on a face, but doesn’t have the reference planes (XYZ) it exists in matching the change in rotation.

I think it works like that but im not sure. Well now my material doesn’t strech, but i can’t control the scale of material so i’m still stuck.

Got it! The solution is [Right here][1]

I edited it a little and it works like a charm. Plug the MF into UV’s in texture sample and that’s it!

I know it’s an old question but you can edit this material function, add a scalar FunctionInput and use it to multiply or divided the UV of the TexCoord nodes.