Hi guys, I’m trying to create a Material Function so I can output a world UV coordinate so I can input that into textures. I know there’s a WorldAlignedTexture node, but that one needs a texture input and only works per texture, where I only need a coord so I can input that onto different textures.
I was able to tweak the WorldAlignedTexture and get one only to work on the Z axis (up) and pretty much stretch it on the other ones, here’s the node:
I tried to do the same with 2 axis, but it’s not working properly I think, and also on 45 degree faces it’ll warp the texture as it tried to average both directions, and I want to avoid that:
I tried with 3 axis as well, but that was a complete disaster. So my question is, how can do I do this? I need to pretty much be able to output and XY coord and XYZ coord so I can assign to textures like this: