World aligned blend lowers fps

Hi, I created a landscape and gave it a material with 4 Layers. One of them should generate the material with world aligned blend node. If I fill this generated layer, there is clearly approx 10 fps less, than it is with a “static” layer filled.
I want to know why and if there is a solution, like baking the alpha output of this node, when i finished sculpting the landscape or something.
Best regards

It’s normal and the solution is to not use world aligned blends.

Break it apart using just the G off a mask from WPO. It will cost much less.

Thanks for your advice but could you tell me what you are talking about ? :smiley:
I know WPO as kinda"wind" parameter value so…
Green value taken from…?

No WPO is just world position offset. Not “wind”.

You don’t have to use all of it, you can just take G which represents the Z of the vertex.

Basically replace the world aligned blend with some basic math that only uses world position G to reduce cost.

Well this sounds like a good solution thank you!
First, I thought the early access build got some problems with that landscape or similar but this means, there are a lot of properties by default now, which are not optimized for fluent gameplay / behaviour, because in EU4 there are NO frame drops at all… Regardless of the material costs / uses.

if you want performance, don’t use landscapes.
there’s about a billion topics enumerating various reasons why.

So, my priorities are:

  • procedural level generating (ever level should be randomly unique)
  • performance
  • graphics

Actually I try to figure out, how to create a landscape with a heightmap as input, which should be drawn in realtime by a noise node or similar as texture render target. I didnt find a method with blueprints “in editor” yet, since I am not very into c++ at this time…
If you can tell me how I can get a smooth looking ground (landscape option) & background proceduraly with indivual materials/uvs, I am looking forward to hear something about it!

Currently there is something you can try, but requires you to learn and get used to C++ on a small scale level, I mean, at least learn how to create a C++ project (you can still use blueprints on it), compile it, use plugins and compile them aswel.

The plugin I think is suitable for you is one currently being spotted on this thread: Procedural Landscape Plugin

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I took a quick look on that plugin and it seems like it is pretty straight forward the direction I would have gone, if my c++ knowledge had tolerate it. Just need to understand this logic and I think it could work very well.
But it will be still a Landscape, so I hope there won’t be any performance issues…
Thanks for this advice, its a really great piece of work I think, with a huge potential factor!

Just convert to a mesh. Doesn’t have to be a landscape.

Also check the procedural stuff that is now part of Houdini, since it’s free to use.

Like, you mean at runtime? Sorry first time for me reading stuff like this, looks like i’ve missed a thing or two…

Another new thing for me, where do I get that kind of information tho?
I mean, sure even if i play around with UE for a few years now, I am still learning but this sounds like all that kind of stuff I am interested in since I started with UE is available somewhere now…

Just in engine. Look up landscape impostors.

Google for videos.

Yeah well thats kinda interesting but like I said procedural is my keyword so theres no use for it.
Anyway this landscape plugin is exactly what I need, alternative would be some crazy stuff with procedural mesh component but this is way to complicated to get a “smooth” landscape shape so…
Thanks for your comments!