I have a variable set next to my SaveGameToSlot but how do I actually save this variable information along with the specific save slot?
I am loading my game but no data is being retrieved, no variable is being saved. I just have my variable SET but I do not know how to save it to the slot in works with SaveGameToSlot.
You have to create a BP representing your SaveGame class; then you create variables in this BP which represent the data you need to save.
When you need to save your game, just create an instance (copy) of your SaveGame BP class and pass it all the needed data. Only then you can actually save your game, passing the slot name and a user index.
I have that connected to my SaveGame event.
Do I need to do anything more with savegame blueprint, “New Blueprint”? I cast to it from the LoadGameFromSlot and CreateSaveGameObject
Basically I cannot do anything with my savegame blueprint. There are no events in there so I can’t trigger a print node to see if the values are making it to the savegame blueprint.
The values are making it to the Store Event but I’m not sure how to trigger anything inside the savegame blueprint.
You don’t need to. It’s just an instance of a BP class to store data, that’s it. Of course you can have it make something different or more complex, but in order to save a game you don’t need to do anything else with it except for storing data and reading data from it.