You can drag images from the image list and the component list to the view port/windows but not from the control point list.
Sometimes I get warnings about CP mis-registration, or just want to see where that point is again.
So being able to expand the control point and drag out a couple of pictures would be very handy.
Second interaction - when tagging CP, the left and right arrow keys move you between images (great for tagging the same point progressively though the stream). But sometimes I need to tag a couple of points in each image, so could we please have arrow up/down cycle us through the control points?
Third interaction - when tagging images with CP sometimes I’ve mis-tagged some points and need to delete the CP from that image. Could you make the delete or backspace keys delete a CP when hovering over it? Maybe the Insert key could be mapped to create new point too?
Thank you - cool software!
Point 1 has been adressed here already:Drag image from control points list to 2D view
Maybe you can add your +1 there?
Point 2 sounds nifty, that also gets my +1
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
Point 1 has been adressed here already:Drag image from control points list to 2D view
Maybe you can add your +1 there?
Point 2 sounds nifty, that also gets my +1
Hey Götz,
thanks for helping us out 
No problem!
I figure then you’ll have more time to answer my own questions… :lol:
Ok one more to add to the list…
When I’m control pointing and using the left/right to step through the image list, it would great if I could have a mode option so the other 2d ports also stepped relative to my current image.
This would mean I could have show matches enabled, and see how well my images are connecting (say with a window in front of and behind my current selected image). I step and they step, and I can decide if I need to add some CP to help them lace together properly
Edit: Actually just dots on the image or a info display of registration point count would be enough - even without the connecting lines we could see how well registered the image is (though paired stepping on the windows would show how well things are registered between loops of the scene.
More edit: while we are showing information over the image - how about the component(s) the image appears in?
Just a thought…
and one more because I’m a noob…
could we please multi-select images from a control point and drag/drop them onto a different control point?
Because apparently sometimes people* get confused and tag a bunch of images with the wrong point for the given marker.
(doh, door handle was point 6, not point 8… argh…)
Thank you
Is that not possible?
So then it is a general issue, because they also cannot be deleted as a bunch, only one X at a time.
I once dragged 400 wrong ones in and didn’t hink of just hitting ctrl-z!
X…X…X…X…X…X…X… :lol:
Another one…
In the CP list, we sometimes get various warning markers (coloured triangles).
Could we please have a pop-up explanation what we are being warned about if we hover over the warning?
I think generally they are about reprojection errors, but the number listed doesn’t seem to match anything in the alignment properties when I look there.
Thank you
Which number are you talking about?
The pixel error?
If it’s above 2 pixels (I believe), you’ll get a yellow triangle, if above 5 or 10, it turns red.
I don’t know the technical term but I am pretty sure it is the difference between the position RC comes up with and the one calculated by the CPs.
Also, if there aren’t enough images for a CP, there is a warning…
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
Which number are you talking about?
The pixel error?
If it’s above 2 pixels (I believe), you’ll get a yellow triangle, if above 5 or 10, it turns red.
No, the red number in each image line depends on your Alignment settings - max feature reprojection error.
The yellow triangle is about something else: Yellow triangle with an exclamation mark
Ah, sorry, there is only the red triangle…
Yes, the numbers are affected by the alignment.
But they also change when the positions of the CPs is being adjusted.
So that means they represent some relation of alignment and their position.