Working with Blender: Import model fails (0 tris)

I have a model which is simplified to 500K tris, colorized and textured. I exported this model as .obj file with these settings:

If I reimport this file again, it works and I can see the “new model”.

Now, I import this .obj file into Blender, and directly export it again as .obj file (import and export settings shown below), without any changes.
Blender import default settings:


Blender export default settings:


If I try to import this resulting file into RC, it creates an empty model with 0 tris:


What am I missing? (I would like this to work so I can retopologize and clean the mesh in Blender so I can reimport and retexture in RC.)

Hi fhernand,

If you could share the mode with us, we can check the issue and update the model importer so that it consumes blender outputs correctly.


Did you do anything to change it to quads in Blender? Looks like you’re getting the vertices in RC but not faces which would suggest this.

admin wrote:

Hi fhernand,

If you could share the mode with us, we can check the issue and update the model importer so that it consumes blender outputs correctly.


Hi admin,

I can send it to you later. Would the directly exported .obj file from RC be enough?


Ben Kreunen wrote:

Did you do anything to change it to quads in Blender? Looks like you’re getting the vertices in RC but not faces which would suggest this.

Hi Ben, no changes were done in blender at all, just import and directly export.

Hi fhernand

I have installed the Blender and tested it with various OBJ settings for export, but without luck to import it correctly in RC.

But testing to import and reexport from few DCC suites (3ds Max, Mudbox) get in “problems”, so it looks like OBJ is not very properly exported.
Testing OBJ file has been sent to DEVs so that they could take a look at the data.

Hi Wishgranter,

thanks for testing. I have sent the files to admin via PM.


Hello everybody,
The issue is fixed. You will be able to test it in new release in few days. Thank you for the posts.

Many thanks as well!