Working On Planets - can you align editor axis to areas of the planet?

So when working on planets (spheres or otherwise), what is the best or “correct” way to work on areas that aren’t at the very top?
Right now the only solution I’ve had is to rotate the planet so that the area I need to work on is facing directly up, have everything “on” the planet grouped to the planet, then return the planet to its intended orientation when done editing.
For example when I’m building a city or placing cliff meshes at a lower point of the planet, is there a way to essentially rotate the editor’s viewport and axis (simulated) to align to the planet’s origin/surface? Like an option to display the pos/rot/scale as if you were working upright, but under the hood it would be automatically offsetting the values?
This goes for the viewport as well since the camera controls become backwards when upside down.

Thank you in advance!