Working on a game

Shooter03 is a Cyberpunk sci-fi based game. It is inspired by Ghost In The Shell by Kazunori Ito and other titles I’ve seen in a similar vein. I have an idea of what I want the gameplay to be but I don’t want to spill the beans just yet. Explore my post to see any further developments. A great big thanks in advance for those of you taking time to look through. :smiley:

Making a pipe set…

Always love those air con pipes in cyberpunk scenes! Added some more…

A billboard. “Says, room space for rent”

another in the making…

Looks cool, the building from a distance is awesome.

Thanks. I’ve made a few differing floors for that building. I will also make some other buildings to break the repetition. There’s only so much one can get from mixing and matching parts of a single building. heheh :smiley:

nice work.

Working on another building…

Modelling done… next is texturing!

Preping the texture uv’s… I like to separate different surfaces like glass, concrete plastic, metal etc into separate uv islands:

Building with textures colour, roughness & bump:

Made a start to blocking the level out. Also made a custom pawn movement system.

Made a procedural building actor… will add other options like colour, size etc

attempting to flesh out the meshes…

Added random color picker to the procedural building script…

meshing out the level…

Mesh detailing…

Adding ads heh :smiley:

some updates…