Working on a camera (questions)

Ultimately, I’m trying to get a camera control that works similar to Aion.
The mouse wheel makes the camera zoom in and out and zoomed all the way in gives a first person perspective.
You can also rotate the camera view by holding down the right mouse button and dragging the mouse.

I was watching a tutorial and it showed how you can go to the edit screen, add input options, and modify the options that are there.

The camera already rotates when you drag the mouse.
I only want it to rotate while the right mouse button is down and the mouse is dragged.

The option allows for adding more than one way to make things happen, but I can’t figure out how to make it require the 2 conditions.
so it says turn-- mouse x, but I want it to say turn mouse x and right mouse button.
I there a way to set multiple conditions or is that something I would have to do in blueprints?

Also, if you have solutions to zoom would love to hear them or any good tutorials on blueprints and cameras :slight_smile:

this is the video I was looking at in case anyone was curious.