Hey there! im not an animator and im completly stuck with this!
What i want is to rig my tank, and im talking about the treads. Its not for a game, but for animation scene inside Unreal.
And i dont know how to do it:
Should i rig it in maya? If i bake the animation in Maya and then put it on Unreal, the tank treads will not follow the unreal terrain… (the terrain will be created in unreal not in maya).
What workflow should i use, please?
Sorry for my bad english heh; I want the tank treads to be rigged to follow the unreal terrain, and i dont think if its just rigged will do that. Or yes?
Animate it in Maya and import the animation. Then drive the speed of the animation depending on the speed of the vehicle with animation blueprint and tweak it until it matches the current speed of the vehicle.