Workflow of bringing in meshes?

So I ran into an interesting problem that I didn’t know existed where my messy modeling habits (such as having walls clip through the ceilings instead of exactly measuring them) caused issues once I brought the meshes into Unreal. I was hoping to get some feedback on people’s personal methods, and maybe some reflection on a few points I’ve been considering.

  1. If you export something out of 3DS Max that is in position in a world (such as a wall), but you set the pivot to 0,0,0, when you bring it into engine and set it to 0,0,0, it will be in the right place. Is that a common workflow? Is there an easier way to make sure piece of a building fit together properly?

  2. Making environments for static rendering can use a lot higher polycount, while developing for games and VR especially recommend a lower polycount. When it comes to optimization, however, would a tradeoff in the lightmap settings allow for more polygons? Is it worth that tradeoff if the lighting doesn’t look as good?

  3. When you import a mesh into Unreal that has a centered pivot point, how do you get it into a proper position? Sometimes for me, the END key works, and other times, it doesn’t. I’m guessing it has to do with collision boxes and other things. Would the workflow mentioned in point 1 be the most effective?

Thank you guys in advance for your answers. I really want to get good at Unreal, but every youtuber out there either has their own method (which is either horrendously ineffective/outdated), or it’s a professional who assumes that I know the answers to these questions already…we don’t have a tech professor at our university. Just design professors. The documentation is all we have besides youtube videos, and I’d rather hear from the professionals that frequent these forums rather than every random person with a mic and a screen recorder. :wink: So thank you!