
I am trying to understand the workflow for exporting sections of a building model as OBJ files for processing in other software and then re-importing and combining the OBJ files into a single model to then create orthographic images of the whole building.

I am able to export sections of the model as OBJ files and to then re-import the files.

However, each obj file imports as a single model within a component and I do not understand how I combine these back into a single model to allow production of an orthographic image of the building as a whole.

If possible, please can you explain how I can combine the models created by importing a series of OBJ files together into one model unit.

Alternatively am I able to generate an ortho photo of a component which would include all of the models within the component ?

Kind regards


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Hi Robbie,

I am looking into the same issue at the moment - also with buildings.
However, I did not try it yet.

One possibility could be to use external software (meshlab/cloudcompare) to fuse all parts.
No idea how RC would react to that though.

Another possibility - way more low-tech but also easier - would be to simply create an ortho of each component and stich them in a picture editor the old fashioned way. If you are thorough with the reconstruction region, it should theoretically be straightforward…

Dear Gotz

Many thanks for your post.

At the moment I am having to clean up the orthophoto’s in photoshop as you suggest (in particular to deal with glazing and reflective surfaces).

However, this isn’t ideal and the level of accuracy I need for my survey work means that I would be much happier if it were possible to combine obj models in RC.


I notice that no one from RC has had a chance to respond to my original post. If you do have time to respond that would be great - even if it is simply to say that it is not possible to combine imported obj models into one single model within a component or to create ortho photos of a series of models contained within a component.

Please can I also ask your advice regarding the best workflow for editing the meshes created in RC so that these can then be re-textured and orthophoto’s then created (to deal with glazing etc.). I have been trying different third party software (Rhino / Zbrush / reshaper ) but find that these packages struggle to handle the very large obj models which can be generated by RC.

Please can I ask which third party software you would recommend and what workflow you would recommend for editing the models created in RC and then to re-import the models into RC to generate ortho photo’s.

Kind regards


Hey Robbie,

do you have some screenshots?
That is always a good start.

The first thing that the guys from RC will ask you is what you are trying to achieve.
For example why do you export parts of the model and not the whole?
Do you need the pointcloud at its maximum resolution or will you use textures?
All of that influences the possible (re)solution(s).
Have you looked into simplifying the model?
I find RC does a really good job at that, much better that Photoscan for example, close to Z-brush.
It preserves much detail and combines flat surfaces into very few triangles.

With smaller models, everything after that like texturing or processing in other software will be much easier…