For some reason, the timed objective device is not responding to user event options. When it starts, I want it to start individual timers for all players, and then when those timers are complete, teleport everyone to their respective spawn rooms. It seems the direct event bindings for ‘on started’ and 'on completed are nonfunctional. Is there any way I can work around this problem?
A tracker set to play time elapsed may work.
Sometimes using player reference devicse gives more successful results when teleporting, as it passes instigator info more readily…or something…
Using a method to get all players registered to seperate player reference device, then use an event to activate them and have their on activated event do something like teleport and it passes the registered player instigator info more reliably.
Enabling/Disabling things to get the right on activated event haappen.
Registering all players is a bit hmmm…???
The on player spawned event of each spawnpad or player counted from a counter can be used, but joining players becomes a bit of a hastle and requires a bit of thought…cascading player references, as one player gets registered the next reference in line gets enabled to pick up the next player ?? or some method to blocking off used spawnpads in gameplay area.
Maybe I should just learn verse, it might be easier to assign that way.
Anyway just thought I’d ramble on…
Thanks for the reply! I hear you with Verse! I like your idea of the ‘on player spawned’ event. I don’t know why I was so hooked on using the timed objective device but coming back the next day with a fresh brain definitely helped.
What I did was raise all the spawners up in elevation a little, and then put a very thin mutator zone below them. So, when they fell, it would begin an individual timer, yada yada. And, since players consistently fall the same speed and distance, it’s basically equal. I also liked the playtime elapsed tracker. Those were very helpful!
Thanks again, you got me back on track!
Thats a great idea !!, and a much smaller memory footprint too
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