Work in progress 20th century farm

Hello everyone, just wanted to present the start of an environment project that I’m currently working on. I still yet to do the blockout, however, I wanted to do an art direction. So here is a sneak peak of some props I created. Final touch ups and compositing done in Substance Designer. In addition I will be working on another project along with this one. Let me know what y’all think. I will be happy to answer any questions!

Seth Lee Brown / AtomicArmy

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Sorry to revive this topic, started working on a blockout for a 20th Century farm. So far I’ve created the terrain in World Creator, now I just need to create some materials. I also want to use megascans so the project won’t take an infinity to complete. Feel free to give feedback or suggestions.

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Oh this is going to look so cool when its finished! :smiley: What sort of plants are you thinking of putting in?

Hey! I plan on adding wheat, dry grass, and maybe some wild flowers. I’m planning on creating a drought environment.

Update: Material study for the project.

Check out more on my artstation:

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Hello there @SethLBrown !

This is phenomenal. Looking at this project reminds me of things that I’ve seen in my childhood. I’m very excited to see how your project continues to develop. Are you planning on having it showcased through still renders or will there be animations?

Thank you! Yes, hopefully I can get some still renders and animation I don’t want to scope the project to much. Right now working on the blockout some more and adding some props.

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