When i upload my mod it works just fine. No error that the upload filed or anything, but when i download it, i only get 2 small files. Those files are Mod.info and Modmeta.info. Please help, would love to get this mod working…
When i cook my mod, the output folder only contains those two files(in the linux and window no editor)+ an image preview and those two files outside those folers. What am i doing wrong???
I had this issue. When you upload the “map” name needs to be the same as your “level” name.
Good luck!
yes, i know, i just use the genericmod level and i have that in but still nothing
Strange, maybe upload a picture of the cooking and your folder?
So i just went in and replaced the level blueprint with a new generic one and reput in the testgamemode and primalgamedata and now those are cooking correctly but only those. The other Files aren’t being cooked
Guys, i could really use some help with this…
Go through the whole mod again. Do it step-by-step
The only reason the files arent cooked is that its not referenced and also its not in the same directory.