Wont go past launch screen...

When i join a match, it just stays on a shot of the inside of a cave…or a stone wall. I can hear the game going on but cant move, itws like i never spawn.

show us your join function

When i join a match, it just stays on a shot of the inside of a cave…or a stone wall. I can hear the game going on but cant move, itws like i never spawn.

Are you talking about joining a match in UT? If so this would be best answered on the unreal tournament forums at http://forums.unrealtournament.com. If you are talking about your own project, What steps are you taking to spawn your character? Is the player spawn above the landscape/mesh that it is standing on or is it cutting into it? If you have a “bad” sign over the player spawn, it is most likely spawning inside of another object and needs to be moved. If this is not the problem, it may be that the blueprints/code you are using to spawn your character into a network replicated game is not set up quite right.