Wonky Animation on Play Montage

My animator gave me this dope inspection animation for this pistol in my game:

Player animation and pistol animation are separate. I made sure that pistol animation is using root motion, and it looks right in the animation viewport:

However, when I actually play the animation in-game, the gun animation goes awry:

He’s using a rig from Infima Games for the arms, and the gun rig is my own. He said something about “setting up a simple spinning bone” in order to get this to work, but theoretically, that shouldn’t have affected anything if it looks fine in the animation preview? Does anyone have any ideas?

Hi, I think the issue is that Pistol is attached to the hand, so it not only plays it’s own animation, but also follows hand movement during hand animation.

To solve this you would need to make the weapon socket (or how ever you have weapon attached to the hand) not to follow hand bone during that montage. There are multiple ways to do that, I’m not sure what will be the best for your case.

-You can create animation slots and disable animation playing on certain bones with LeyeredBlendPerBone node in Anim BP.
-For example if you have separate bone for weapon (not just a socket) then your animator could make that bone not move during this animation.
-Or (which is more difficult), weapon animation could compensate for that movement, but I think this will be very hard for animator to achieve.
-Maybe some additive animations could help?