Without Sky Sphere achieve same?

Without using a Sky Sphere is there any way to achieve the same result? …

Hey @espr3ss0!

Well, you COULD get away with using images on planes, I suppose. It would be tricky not to show the seams, lighting issues, et cetera… But why are you interested? Is there something stopping you from using a sky sphere?

Thing is the Sky itself will not be visible, it’s the distribution of color toward the Sun that without a Sky Sphere doesn’t seem possible.

So would this be an underground situation? Trying to have a large light source that alters the color… I would say yes, it is possible, as a sky sphere is a bunch of things put together, like how a Character is an Actor with a Movement Component, Skeletal Mesh, etc.

A sky sphere’s pieces could be reimagined here and you could probably do this with a post-processing volume. But without a sky, what is the reference point of color to be changed? Because at that point if there are objects to shine off of, the “Sun” should be able to be replaced multiple strong point-lights and a Post-processing Volume instead of a Directional Light. Right?

It’s not underground, it’s a top down game.

With Sky Atmosphere and such I could only get a color distribution around the circular hirozon. In the image there is a strong amount of orange (ish) for the Sun source which going into purple then the rest into blue.

Not sure if this is in the direction your trying to go, but I am working on a top down game and I have found placing various colored fog volumes useful in adding to the ambiance of different climates/zones

Use HDRI shader for sky, just google on yt there are several tutorials about it.
Basically you copy blueprint over and change hdri texture.

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Do you mean HDRi Backdrop?

After testing the HDRi Backdrop plugin I’ve noticed it is just the SkyLight but also a dome mesh, the the mesh casts no light anyway it’s only for visual representation.

I could do with a free Skybox / HDR creation tool, I just did it by hand in Affinity Photo as it exports HDR and EXR files.