Withholding execution of nodes without execution pins

Im currently trying to figure how to only do this string operation if the boolean is true but since none of the nodes involved have execution pins its just going to fire when the hit happens regardless of the branch.

Hey @EvilGeniusTC!

So as far as I’m aware… It’s not going to do any of the things starting with the letter string. Because it needs an execution pin to call on it, it’s not going to use any of that. Think of it like stored code in a page, if it’s not called on it’s just letters and symbols taking up space.

So what can i use to execute it then?

Well, you need to do something with the return value. It’s just data, hovering in the air, what are you going to do with it?

I don’t know what it is you’re planning to do with the string of letters, so I can’t really guide you in any direction.

Well if the bool is false i dont need to do anything as the normal turn logic takes care of it. This is how im attempting to deal with tiles already in play from previous turns by doing a line trace and appending the string to current word if the hit tile is AlreadyScored.

That’s great, your logic there is sound. But off of TRUE, you want to do something. Appending to the string variable isn’t doing anything in your game though. You need to DO something with the string if TRUE, do you see what I’m saying? You need some sort of execution line function/node to execute an action within the game engine, and it won’t use any of the things linked until they’re called by an execution node.

If its false then that means it was played this turn so i don’t want to process it as its already been processed this turn as it entered the board. if its true i need to do the string operations but other than print string i dont see any applicable string operations with execution pins i can use. the one thought i had was turn my cast back into an impure one so i could use that pin but then all the other instances of that cast in all BPs which are numerous would have to be attached as well as its the same cast in all BPS from my FunctionLibrary

I just had an epiphany… im an idiot. i can just feed that into a set node for CurrentWord

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