When I was investigating to optimize the Unreal Editor load time for a 5.4 project, I have observed the following behavior that seems a bug from my point-of-view: The value of the “Project Local DDC Path” and “Project Shared DDC Path” seems to be global to every 5.4. project I have on my computer!
------------ Details follow:
Detail #1 - I say it affects all other ue5.4 projects that I have on my computer, because if I open any of these projects and look at the Editor Preferences / General Global, I see that the values are now pointing to the values that I have set inside another project.
Detail #2 - It does not affect projects that are 5.3 or 5.5
Detail #3 - Our deploy strategy has the effect that we have a separate engine folder for each project. Then the unreal project is started by a batch file perforing the following command:
C:\path_to_executable_for_project_xx\UnrealEditor.exe xx.uproject
So even if a setting info is saved (by the editor) in the engine folder, my current understanding indicates that one project has no way to affect the configuration of another project.
… Except if there is an alternate way to store configuration (windows registry? engine association?)
Detail #4 - I have run 5.5 preview and 5.5.0 projects on that machine. Maybe it can showing a zen version incompatibility issue…!?