Witcher 3 - SRT files and shaders

I am into Witcher 3 modding and I noticed that for its vegetation Witcher 3 uses SpeedTree, as well as, SRT files that bind to grass, tree, and similar foliage textures. Research indicates that SRT files are from Unreal Engine and so is SpeedTree.

Can SRT files be edited (and changes saved) with whichever free edition of Unreal Editor (if there is such a thing…) ? What kind of parameters and possibilities are there when it comes to SRT files?

I have no programming skills to make truly educated guesses, but if Witcher 3 indeed uses it’s own Red Engine mixed with Unreal Engine technologies for Tree generation and/or rendering, then perhaps there is more content in TW3 that comes from Unreal Engine and can be modded via Unreal Editor?

No, it doesn’t work that way, it wouldn’t have anything to do with UE4. Speedtree is a middleware that can create trees and other types of vegetation for games, UE4 and many other engines support it. The .srt file is something generated from the Speedtree software and if you find .srt files in Witcher 3 then most likely they are compiled in a way (for the shipped game) that are not editable.

Thanks and EDITED :(.