Witch Night

Unreal Challenge: Creep It Real

Title: Witch Night

Witch Night

Student Submission: No

I did this video three month ago.
I think it fits with the challenge!
I don’t have the project any longer. :man_facepalming:
But it doesn’t break any rules, I guess.
I hope you can enjoy it.


Greetings @Lord_Spring !

Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

Witch Night surely registers on the creep meter :thermometer: . I did not know what to expect! Are we witnessing a possession in forced suspension? Was the levitation a purposeful necessity to communicate with the mysterious spirits of the night? Is our breathless adventurer in danger post discovery?

The mood was certainly set for suspense. I’m sorry to learn that you no longer have your project, but we thank you for participating in this month’s challenge!

Did you learn anything with Witch Night that you had not known before? If so, what was it?

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Thanks for answering.

She is a young apprentice witch who had some trouble summoning the devil.
Her boyfriend and their dog were looking for her because they thought she was lost.
Levitation was part of the ritual, but apparently the fireflies weren’t supposed to be there!
Our breathless adventurer is surely going to try to get his girlfriend out of her trance, not knowing that the devil doesn’t like to be disturbed when he’s working…

I love to make landscapes! But I learned to save on assets, like the ones in front and behind her. Before, I made a 360 scenario that sometimes I didn’t see completely. Now I build only for what the camera should see. I used two powerful spotlights to illuminate the trees on the back to simulate the moon light, these gave me a beautiful depth of field!
And I put into practice my humble knowledge of control rig!

I’m looking forward for a new challenge very soon!

A couple of pictures of her waiting for moon rise…
(it’s all that is left of my project)


Hey @Lord_Spring.

Unfortunately, as set out in the Official Rules, namely the “How to enter” section, you must include an in-editor screenshot of the piece you are submitting. Also, if you no longer have the project, if it were required as set out in the Official Rules, we would not be able to follow up with any potentially necessary eligibility checks.

It is a great piece and nice work-but, if you have time, I would consider creating something new in which you would be able to fulfill these requirements. Thanks!

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