Wishlist limited to 50 products?

Seriously? It’s probably a 2KB record in the db…come on Epic.

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You would think if they really wanted to make money they wouldn’t even limit our wish list.

They keep denying it but it has to do with their marketing metrics there’s just no other rational explanation besides complete incompetence and lack of care for their users.

Metrics tell the Market sellers who have their items on Wishlists and this helps them predict demand/future sales. If they allow people infinite Wishlists like (EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD) then it would be difficult for them to predict quarterly gains / future sales.

These are my best guesses as to why they keep ignoring us because their typical excuse of “System limitation” just doesn’t make sense when EVERYONE ELSE can do it.

Honestly, I think it’s just incompetence.
Everything what Epic does for the web is utter ■■■■.

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Right, just like their “light” forum theme that is actually dark colors on dark colors, You can’t even read the menus, text and links etc. Total fail. I love Epic but wish they would hire better web developers.