Wishlist / Favorites in FAB?

In the old UE Marketplace I had nearly 100 items in my Wishlist but there’s no wish list in fab.


Hi there. We plan to add wishlists to Fab in the near future. In the meantime, if you would like to retrieve your old UE Marketplace wishlist, you can request it from our support team and they will send it to you as a PDF.

There are many assets I like but don’t plan to buy right away, or I already own many assets and prefer not to search for them every time. So, I need a Favorites feature that allows me to save assets I want to buy or like, making it easier to find and use them later.

likes and/or bookmarks

and like in renderhub.com sellers can make price promo, and in such case notification to bookmark owners about special price.

I’d like a lot of the features people have posted about, not sure if any of them will happen any time soon, if at all.
Maybe we should start a thread…A feature you want Fab to install as a xmas present to us all…hummmm that’s a bit long…maybe not…To be truthful I’d be happy with a search engine and 3D viewer that worked as it should.
Now, I wonder, how do I go about putting that in my crimbo stocking? :gift: :christmas_tree:

Thanks for the feedback, we’re definitely thinking about a Wishlist feature, with sales notifications, and similar list-like features such as collections/likes/favorites.


Please add a button that allows you to favorite a creator or wishlist an asset. I regularly browse 3D marketplaces and having the ability to save assets that I wish to purchase at a later date is super useful. Thanks!

Yes, that’s great, but why did you remove the favorite button? Please add the favorite button back. Thank you!

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An wishlist is supposed to be in development. Just give them an few months to sort out everything else, first

Still waiting…