WIP - Writers room


Hey there @m1sterv1sual,

Hope you’re having a fantastic day!

As always, incredibly impressed by your work and your story-telling skills. You never fail to set a scene with your moody lighting.

Definitely becoming a fan of your work! Thanks for sharing your art and letting us in the Unreal community enjoy it :slight_smile:

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Cheers @PresumptivePanda, you really know how to make a persons day. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping Showcase section will get improvements regarding algorithm, so it does not become like Artstation where you always see same users showcase on front page.


Don’t think that will be an issue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Love the attention to details and story telling!!

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Thanks, mate!

@m1sterv1sual Hi! Incredible work, immersing in the atmosphere and very inspiring! Can’t wait to see what happens in the final


Thank you, Vaslley!