We started working with Unreal Engine 4-5 months ago and many many countless projects thrown out the window later we decided on a final project. We asked ourselves questions like:
What type of game dominates currently?
What is the most popular FPS shooter to date?
Do we really want to make COD type game?
Why/How does Call of Duty fail yet make money?
What if Call of Duty was made on a engine that was current gen?
What if Call of Duty was built for the community by the community?
What concepts/systems can we take from other FPS games that makes players come back year after year?
The list goes on and on!
So we took our ideas and concepts and assembled a small team and said hey lets make a FPS! Let’s make this FPS fun, fast paced, mainstream and yet allow the community to become involved in the game.
Want to see your custom outfit in the game?
Want to see your custom weapon cammo on a weapon?
How about do you want to make a dragon with an exo suit sporting a bikini a football helmet and yelling “me so hungry” as your character? <— A LITTLE OVER THE TOP BUT YOU GET WHERE WE ARE GOING
See why allow game studios dictate what we want to see in a game the we bought with our hard earned money?
Without further ado we are proud to show you a small snippet of what we are working on and things to come in the future from the RedBeacon Studios and the Unreal Engine!
Special Note** COD images will not be involved and menu items will be shifted/removed and this is a very very early stage.
Thanks @belushy we will be releasing a SDK Kit/Mod Kit once we get to the last stage of the Beta. So get ready to play as your custom specialist, use your weapon cammos and outfits. We will provide documentation and templates on working with the SDK Kit/Mod Kit soon!
Dedicated Servers is a must for me. I do not want to get VAC banned due to some one else being hacker in a peer 2 peer Multi Player game. This is a major problem with PC and Console COD games.
Vehicles - Please include them! The most fun I have ever had was Call of Duty: World at War and the Call of Duty pre-Call of Duty 2.
No KillStreaks - Please no! This makes matches extremely one sided very fast and makes it hard on Newbies and Veterans of the game alike.
I agree with dedicated servers. Vehicles I don’t care about… looking for a COD like, not Battlefield. Love killstreaks. Registered for alpha as well as it looks like it has great potential.
Dedicated servers are being setup - We are staying away from steam servers as much as possible - Currently we have access to dedicated 25 servers ready to deploy for the Alpha and we will be scaling those as needed.
We are looking for feedback on what you guys want and we will start a poll on this thread as to what you want to see in the game
I think the community has grown sick of the COD Killstreaks but this also gives players something to “go hard” on and keeps them active so we are redesigning the COD Killstreaks system to better suite our game.
Remember that this is not all set in stone and the community will play a big part in how the final release game comes out
Rank system is a must in our game, it was one of the first ideas we threw around and implemented. How do you feel about matchmaking based on ranks? Your matchmaking options unlock based on what level you are (ex. levels 1-10, 11-20 etc…) envision a stock car race where you have stock, super stock, modified and unlimited classes. Unlimited would be anything goes level wise so noobs can play vs high ranks.
I never liked killstreaks in COD, but that’s because I wasn’t one of the ‘professional’ players that got them… but that made it that much cooler when I did.
As for matchmaking based on ranks, don’t care for it. I figure you get better by playing better people, if ranked matchmaking takes away wide open servers, so there are less open servers to play on, I see that as a bad thing.
Great Feedback and apparently I would have start an entire new thread with the polls for everyone to vote on this type of stuff. We may just start an offline poll system.
As for the Killstreaks we are trying to find a happy medium between being good enough (points or kills) and how much of a game changer they would be (Should they be a “show off” feature or a level destroyer)