[WIP] The Center - Custom Map

Here is a new map I am creating for the game with hopes to enter it into the contest. I wanted to do something completely unique for this map and although 80% of what that means isn’t ready to be shown yet I hope it is something people will enjoy :slight_smile:

Overall the map is rougly the same size as “The Island” And will possibly be slightly larger once it is finished but I’m trying to put more of a focus on quality than quantity!

I plan to have a playable version put up on the workshop with the first sections available early next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday. Current biomes available are the jungle/ruins biome, and the chinese mountain inspired biome areas.

It is currently only about 20% finished, mostly a playable rough draft atm!

slow claps This looks amazing dude, love that you introduced the existing ark aspects that haven’t been put into the client side game yet.

Is this still on track for test release next week?

Absolutely :slight_smile: Shooting for either a Tuesday or Wednesday release! Should have some new screenshots up between now and then as well that better show off the level :slight_smile:

Awesome, cant wait to make this map my home :slight_smile:

Map is now up on the Steam Workshop! - Map completion at 25% finished!

WOOT THERE IT IS!! subbing now

Excellent work. The images on the workshop page better highlight certain aspects/environmental moods of the map.

What do you have planned for the map? Rather than just giving a new layout for players to play on, do you have unique features you hope to toy with?


Thanks :slight_smile: I have quite a lot planned for the map! The first update I’m releasing next week will introduce the lava/mordor styled biome. It will be a very dangerous biome but rich in rewards! After this I have two remaining biomes, the one at “The Center” which I am not ready to reveal quite yet, and the other is a more simple giant snowy mountain biome with the bottom being grasslands. Quite a bit more going in other than that such as the way I’ll be doing caves and ruins in the coming weeks :slight_smile:

Looks great, I like the pillar rocks a lot. Good luck with the contest!

Good luck on the contest! Definitely keeping my eye on this!

Thanks! Just updated the map with the snow/grasslands biomes as well as added obsidian and obelisks. Next week I’ll be adding in “The Center” area as well as the swamp biomes. Should be a fun area :wink:

Hey! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love how your map looks. The quality is something that I hope to match some day! I can’t wait to see how it progresses from the point you’re at now.

Thanks Starstilanx! All kinds of awesome stuff on the way :wink:

Hey man wondering if you need a Enviro Artist for custom pieces.

Hey , Thanks for asking but I think I’m good on content :slight_smile: