MazEscape is a game where the player must escape a random maze that will realocate it’s walls constantly.
The main objetive of the game is find the way out through the maze and survive the Maze Guardian, he will haunt you to avoid your getaway.
The walls will be realocated every xx:xx time, the time for the realocation is also a random value and the time that the player has “free” without the Maze Guardian is also a random time.
The main functions for the maze calculation and regeration are made in c++ and the function that will spawn the walls are working in blueprints.
hope you like the idea of the game, here is the first test video.
hi, in the game the zombies only will wander through the maze, without any clear goal, they are zombies, they only want food (dead meet) or chase the player when they see him.
the maze hunter is another case, it will have some patrol points and will go to specifics places through the maze, to let him walk through the random maze from a start point to an end point i’m using the fill pixel algorithm , i have adapted it in udk unrealscript and it has worked very fine, always returning the right path to any place into the maze; i will update it to c++ when i will write the maze hunter AI.