Sim220, I really like the mechanics of using the different balls for the unique puzzles. Especially the silver one that cloned itself into smaller orbs. Very clean work.
Fantastic work Sim220! I really enjoy all of the ball rolling games that the community has been sharing. Keep up the great work and hope to see more of this project as you progress along in development! Have a great day!
Thanks for the trial! I just gave it a shot and played through the first three levels. That third level the beginning got me a good few times! You definitely have some fun puzzle mechanics in here and I look forward to finishing the alpha build along with anything else you have coming out!
Great work!
For some feedback so far:
In the second level having a “fail” for the level if the bridge destroys and I cannot get across would be something to add here. It destroyed on me a couple of times leaving me with only the option to restart the level via the menu. Maybe having a checkpoint that resets if you dont make it to the finish in a specified time after the bridge is destroyed.