Winnt.h(611): [C4005] 'TEXT': macro redefinition Platform.h(1082): [C4005] see previous definition of 'TEXT'

Hey all,

I’m getting this warning. Searching, this appears to occur when using third party libraries or anything including specific windows headers, I’ve checked all my header files, and its not including any windows headers. this is a new 4.26 VR project with just one character with some logic, no other plugins enabled outside of the standard VR plugins, and nothing else has been done. I’ve built many times without this error. Anyone else encounter this?

winnt.h(611): [C4005] 'TEXT': macro redefinition

Platform.h(1082): [C4005] see previous definition of 'TEXT'

I know it has nothing to do with it, but building right after I made this definition was when the warning appeared.

void AV4A_Character::UpdateTeleportDestinationMarker()
	FVector Start = VRCamera->GetComponentLocation();
	FVector End = Start + VRCamera->GetForwardVector() * MaxTeleportDistance;

	FHitResult HitResult;
	bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(HitResult, Start, End, ECC_Visibility);

	bool bDoOnce = true;

	if (bHit)
		if (bDoOnce) 
			bDoOnce = false;
		if (bDoOnce) 
			bDoOnce = false;