Somehow, after a player wins, they stay in the exact same place where they where. They do not respawn in the spawn pads after the round ends. Everyone else does.
Any idea on how to fix this?
Somehow, after a player wins, they stay in the exact same place where they where. They do not respawn in the spawn pads after the round ends. Everyone else does.
Any idea on how to fix this?
Have you got enough spawnpads ?
Anything set up to only happen to the winner ?
Yes, enough pads. The only “Weird” thing is that I have to end the round using a end game device because I have 5 teams (1 team for team selection, and the others for players). Besides from that, everything is normal
Yeah, thats strange,
using the end game device is usually ok, quite a lot of maps end rounds with it.
How are the spawn settings in your team settings devices ? They override island settings
Maybe the only respawn if spawnpads found setting could do something here ?