WinError 87 after downloading PyTorch

I was trying to download several python’s module for my python script into unreal engine. have no problem downloading numpy, pandas and pytorch also have no problem when i was importing numpy and pandas, but when i was trying to import pytorch, error [WinError87 The Parameter is Incorrect] pops up.

Is there anyone here know the solution?

Greetings @twilightbrigades

Welcome back to the forum! In regards to the WinError 87 did you download/setup the new files for the correct OS that you’re running? (Example: I’ve saw WinError be a problem when someone is importing code from something like Linux into a Windows based application and this is thing that comes up a lot when that occurs)

the code isn’t from other OS as i recall, so it should be a different case. i’m truly at loss on how to fix it as i have not much experience in python or programming in general

Oh, I see. So the files you downloaded are for the same OS/UE that you’re currently running?

Hey, I’m facing the same issue as well, previously I had no problems running PyTorch but after I pulled from ue-5 main I’m struggling with this error. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks