WindowsD3D12Viewport.cpp - Ensure condition failed

It seems to be by default the WindowsD3D12Viewport fails with an RHI for DX12.
There are a few options, but either they don’t work in UE5 or they mention to switch to DX11.

This seems to be a consistent engine conflict while selection the option for:

  • RenderOffscreen

In ini or in engine code, is there an additional setting or solution to using DX12 without this error without switching back to a default RHI of DX11?

or is this going to be broken in all 5.0 builds up to current?
[This currently happens in every default build to ue5 engine with the RHI DX12. The DX11 revert seems to be a popular solution for users using the exe’s made between SteamDB logs as well. So it would be good to have an actual solution rather than using DX11 forever.]