✋ Windows Package Project Error with UE5 on LyraGame

Hey, i’m having some issues with the Package Project on Windows with UE5 on LyraGame.
I’ve uninstalled and redownloaded Lyra but still don’t work.

There is what i have:

And this is what i have in the LyraGameEOS.Target.cs:

On fresh new projects i don’t have any issues with Project Package.

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I have had the same error. For me it has fixed to update to Engine Version 5.0.2 and updating Lyra. It has an update inside of the Epic Games Launcher. After downloading it you habe to create a new project of lyra. Don’t convert in place, better open a copy to be on the save side.

That had fixed it for me, hope it helped you!

I delete this file “Source\LyraGameEOS.Target.cs”.
And don’t forget to install SDK.
Document here: Setting Up Visual Studio Development Environment for C++ Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation